Generation of A- and B-basis allowable strength values are essential for reducing risk in aircraft structural components made from fiber reinforced polymer composite materials.Risk reduction is achieved by lowering the probability of failure of critical aircraft structures through the use of A- and B-basis design values.AlphaSTAR has devised a technical approach for calculating allowables with minimum testing and no loss of accuracy, while eliminating the unnecessary conservatisms that may contribute to increased weight.
AlphaSTAR’s technology is able to determine allowables for laminate level un-notched coupons, while adhering to ASTM standards. Using ASC’s A-B base allowables tools (GENOA, MCQ), engineers can:
Reduce laminate level testing for the first level of FAA’s building block
Test reduction of up to 50% as compared to current Industry practices
Determine A-basis from B-basis
Identify root cause for scatter in material strength
Provide guidelines for improving material behavior
Applicable determination of B-basis at any level of FAA’s building block (coupon, element, subcomponent, etc.)
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