LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA, (3/2/2020) – AlphaSTAR will be presenting “Effect of Micro and Macro Defects on
FDM Printed Nylon 12CF Bracket Part Performance”, at the upcoming Additive Manufacturing Users Group
[AMUG] Conference in Chicago on Monday, March 23rd at 4:30pm in PDR 2 (3rd floor)
AlphaSTAR Corporation and Toyota Motor North America, Production Engineering Manufacturing Center in
Georgetown, Kentucky collaborated on a proof of concept project to simulate a Nylon 12CF FDM printed
bracket at three different loading conditions, with the predictions validated versus test. The study
implemented a three-step methodology, starting with a temperature dependent material model which was
fed into sequentially coupled thermal-structural process simulation, and with trusted virtual model finally
subjected to virtual in-service loading.
Co-leading this effort was AlphaSTAR’s Senior Research Scientist, Dr. Harsh K. Baid. “GENOA 3DP’s ability
to predict both micro and macro defects allows users to create a Virtual As-Built Model that accurately
reflects the physical build. Users are then able to subject this Virtual Model to Design of Experiment to
assess material & process parameter sensitivities. The ultimate benefit is optimizing the build and addressing
part issues before the print which saves time, material and reduces scrap rate”.
Dr. Baid continued, “for this specific project, we wanted to build confidence that the toolset was capable of
predicting behavior of an AM printed part. With Additive Manufacturing advancing from R&D to Production,
it’s important that Industry be able to trust that 3D printed parts will have equivalent performance as
traditional manufacturing methods.”

To learn more about how your AM can benefit from GENOA 3DP’s advanced simulation technology, please
visit the AlphaSTAR team at Booth 53 during AMUG Expo Hours on Sunday, March 22nd and Monday March